关于「 Malekan」的内容列表

Opinion: Trump's presidency could have a "bearish" impact on Memecoin

Omid Malekan, an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, said in an Oct. 26 X post: "Memecoins are a form of economic populism in their own right, and a Trump presidency would be" bad for Memecoins "because they are a" form of economic populism and a statement against injustice. " Malekan added: "Regulatory sanity in the United States is bad for Memecoins because it refocuses the focus of cryptocurrencies on DApps and other really important cryptocurrencies."

2024-10-28 11:50:06

哥伦比亚大学商学院兼职教授奥米德-马勒坎(Omid Malekan)在10月26日的X帖子中说:"Memecoin本身就是一种经济民粹主义,特朗普当选总统将 “利空Memecoin”,因为它们是一种 “经济民粹主义形式和反对不公平的声明”。” Malekan补充说:"美国的监管理智对Memecoins不利,因为它将加密货币的重点重新放在了DApps和其他真正重要的...

2024-10-28 11:50:06